achalasia, dysphagia, regurgitation, dilated esophagus, trouble swallowing, difficulty belching

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A work in progress:  My story of being able to now live with achalasia with no drugs, dilation treatments or surgery. It was by complete accident I discovered a holistic treatment for achalasia that has returned 80-90% of my swallow function, and allowed my life to return to almost normal (after I lost 85lbs in 7 Months).

It is my hope that people that have newly discovered that they too have been diagnosed with achalasia will find this site and try my treatment to validate that it works (or does not), so we may then share this information with the doctors of the world (mine doesn’t seem to agree with my conclusion). But he cannot explain why he has never seen a reversal to this degree in any patient before me.

Returning fellow achalasians, if you have tried my solution please share your comments good or bad here in the new forum.

achalasia, dysphagia, regurgitation, dilated esophagus, trouble swallowing, difficulty belching achalasia, dysphagia, regurgitation, dilated esophagus, trouble swallowing, difficulty belching

You can have instant access to what works for my achalasia by clicking here.

If you wish to contact me please email me at  Also if anyone has anything to contribute here, please let me know.


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